
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy First Birthday Little Blog

I just realized that a year ago yesterday I started this little blog.  I can't believe how fast time has gone by! I truly love taking the time out to create an entry (almost) everyday.  It's actually kind of therapeutic.  As I mention in my "About Me" this blog is used as an outlet to express the sides of my personality that don't get to shine as often as I would like due to the distractions of everyday life.  I am so grateful for all of my readers and the awesome bloggers I have come in contact with throughout the year.  If you are reading this blog for the first time I am grateful for you too. 
Thank you.


  1. Congrats! Happy Birthday to your blog

  2. Happy Blog Birthday,sweetie..I love reading your posts:) Have a great weekend

  3. Congrats!!! Keep the blogging coming for many more years! One of the best of this century! :)

  4. Congrats!!!! I love yout blog!!

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