
Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Skin

I have a few New Year's resolutions. One of them is to take better care of my skin. This year I vow to...
1. Remove my make up at night -always. Even if I am dead tired I will use one of these pre-moistened cloths to remove any trace of makeup. I find Ponds cold cream perfect for removing eye makeup.
2. Moisturize at night with coconut oil. The winter is especially harsh on my skin and I find this natural moisturizer gives me a nice glow without clogging my pores. Best of all it smells amazing!
3. Wash my pillow cases once a week. I think this one small change will make a huge difference in my skin.
4.Drink lots of water. So hard sometimes, but with all the detoxifying benefits it so worth it.
5. I alway use a moisturizer with SPF before going outside, but I want to start paying more attention to the hands, neck, and chest. Ladies, it's all about prevention. Don't forget to take care of these areas as they can age prematurely.
Do you have any beauty resolutions this year?

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