
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Macaron of The Month: Tiramisu

I decided to finally give macaron making a try.  I have been kind of intimidated by all the stories of how hard and time consuming they are to make.  This weekend I bit the bullet and went for it. 
For those of you that are not familiar with the macaron they are a meringue based cookie (not really a cookie, but I have no other way to describe them) made with ground almonds and filled usually with buttercream, ganache, or even jam. 
Um, so yeah, these where kind of temperamental and time consuming.  They most certainly did not resemble the perfect macarons found at Ladurée.  Those are just out of this world delicious and beautiful (and cost a small fortune, BTW).  Mine came out looking more like tiny whoopie pies with cracks in some of them.  These tiramisu macarons were delicious, though.  Delicate outside shell with a tender inside infused with espresso flavor and filled with a mascarpone cream.  My husband and I may or may not have eaten the whole batch for dinner.  Maybe.  Don't judge us.
I definitely learned not to try and be cute by grounding my own almonds.  Next batch I will be buying almond flour.  Anyway, I decided that I will not claim defeat!  Instead I will make one new flavor each month for the next 12 months.  My hope is that I will get better with time and they will start to resemble those fancy, shmancy macarons at Ladurée (at least a little, a girl can dream can't she?).  Let's see how this goes...



  1. For a first attempt, I think these macaroons look delicious and what a unique flavor! Although anything with mascarpone is gold in my book.

  2. not a tiramasu fan - but they do look good!

  3. Looks delish can't wait to try!


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